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RSCC Policy PA-11-01; 育婴假

保单号码: PA-11-01
主题: 育婴假

It is the policy of 贝博体育 (RSCC) to provide a period of up to four (4) months of leave to eligible employees for adoption, 怀孕, 分娩, 喂养婴儿, 在适用情况下, 按照T.C.A. 节4-21-408. 关于收养, 四(4)个月的期限从雇员获得孩子监护权之时开始.

  1. 资格
    Employees who have been employed by RSCC for at least twelve (12) consecutive months as full-time employees, 由雇主在工作地点或地点确定, 有资格享受这个假期吗. 本政策中对员工的后续引用应假设该个人具有资格.
  2. 相关的政策
    在收到父母请假的书面请求后, the president or his/her designee will process the request in accordance with the provisions of this policy and the employee’s eligibility for leave under RSCC policy PA-05-01 and TBR policy家庭和医疗假. 可能还需要参考RSCC政策PA-10-01和TBR政策5.01.01.病假,RSCC政策PA-07-01和TBR政策.01.01.休假和RSCC政策PA-06-01和TBR政策.01.01.01年假. (您可以访问RSCC策略 tv3y2.palaceitalianrestaurant.com/policies/.)
  3. Notice; Employment Rights and Benefits; Reinstatement
    1. Employees who give at least three (3) months advance notice to their employer of their anticipated date of departure for such leave, 他们的假期长度, 以及他们休假后重返全职工作的打算, 应当恢复原职务或者类似职务,具有同等地位, 支付, 服务年限信用证, 和资历, 任何适用的, 从他们休假之日起.
    2. Employees who are prevented from giving three (3) months advance notice because of a medical emergency which necessitates that leave begins earlier than originally anticipated shall not forfeit their rights and 好处 under this policy solely because of their failure to give three (3) months advance notice.
    3. Employees who are prevented from giving three (3) months advance notice because the notice of adoption was received less than three (3) months in advance shall not forfeit their rights and 好处 under this policy solely because of their failure to give three (3) months advance notice.
    4. 休假将根据RSCC的政策给予带薪或无薪休假. 此种休假不影响员工享受年假的权利, 病假, 奖金, 进步, 资历, 服务年限信用证, 好处, 计划, 或者员工在休假之日有资格参加的贝博体育, and any other 好处 or rights of their employment incident to the employees’ employment position. 然而, 雇主不需要支付任何福利的费用, 计划, or 贝博体育 during the period of leave unless such employer so provides for all employees on leaves of absence.
    5. 如果雇员的工作职位非常独特,雇主不能, 经过合理的努力, 临时填补该职位, then the employer shall not be liable for failure to reinstate the employee at the end of the parental leave period.
    6. 本政策的目的是为员工提供休假时间以供领养, 怀孕, 分娩和喂养婴儿, 在适用情况下. 因此, if the employer finds that the employee has utilized the period of leave to actively pursue other employment opportunities or if the employer finds that the employee has worked part time or full time for another employer during the period of leave, 员工休假期满未复职的,用人单位不承担责任.
    7. Whenever the employer shall determine that the employee will not be reinstated at the end of such leave because the employee’s position cannot be filled temporarily or because the employee has used such leave to pursue employment opportunities or to work for another employer, 雇主应将上述情况通知雇员.
  4. 病假
    1. Use of accrued 病假 for adoption or 分娩 is limited to thirty (30) working days following the birth of a child or placement for adoption unless medical complications arise that fit ordinary rules regarding the use of 病假.
    2. 如果父母双方都是RSCC的员工, the aggregate amount of 病假 that may be used for 分娩 or adoption is limited to sixty (60) working days total for both parents following the placement for adoption. 在分娩的情况下, 如果父母双方都是国家雇员,父母双方最多可休六十(60)个工作日.
    3. 为了有资格使用病假作为育婴假, a statement from the attending physician indicating the expected date of delivery must accompany the request for leave. Additional information from the attending physician may be required if there are complications and the period of absence must begin sooner than agreed, 超出约定的范围, or require the use of 病假 beyond the period beginning with the period of hospitalization and extending for sixty (60) working days following the birth of a child or placement for adoption.

      在儿童出生或被收养后六十(60)个工作日之后, 如果扩展, 在员工的医生确定该员工应该被解雇后, 至此,病假结束, the employee may use accrued annual leave or leave without 支付 for the remainder of the four-month parental leave.
  5. Annual Leave; Compensatory Time
  6. 休假
    When accrued annual and 病假 balances are depleted prior to the end of the four (4) month parental leave period, 该员工将被置于缺勤状态. 请参考RSCC策略PA-07-01和TBR策略5.01.01.03 休假 regarding 续保 for employees on unpaid leave of absence.
  7. 探亲假和病假
    1. To be eligible for 探亲假和病假 (FML) which provides for up to twelve (12) work weeks of leave, an employee must have: (1) worked for RSCC at least 12 months; and (2) worked a minimum of 1250 hours during the year preceding the start of the leave.
    2. Employees who are eligible for FML will have parental leave processed in conjunction with the provisions of RSCC policy PA-05-01 and TBR policy关于选择带薪/无薪假期的家庭和医疗假, 续保, 等. 育儿假和FML期间应同时进行.
    3. 在FML期结束时, an employee is also entitled to receive the difference between the four (4) months granted under this policy and the 12 workweeks granted under FML. 应计年假或缺勤假可用于育儿假期间的剩余时间.
    4. 在工作周内,员工休假被指定为FML, 雇主负责支付雇员的雇主部分保险费, 休假是否带薪.
    5. Employees who choose to take any unpaid leave over the amount to which they are entitled under FML should be made aware that they will be responsible for 支付ing the employer’s portion of the insurance premium for the remainder of the leave period if they wish to ensure continued cover年龄.
    6. Should there be a conflict between this policy and TBR policy then the TBR policy or guideline will supersede.

This policy incorporated terms from former RSCC policy PA-10-04 (Maternity Leave) and PA-10-05 (Paternity Leave).


修订生效日期: 04/01/2021
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 11/03/1997
批准人: 雪莉L. 总裁霍
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & 金融
综述: 03/24/2021



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