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RSCC Policy GA-01-01; 机构政策的编号、格式和审批

保单号码: GA-01-01
主题: 机构政策的编号、格式和审批
  1. All institutional policies must be categorized into the following major areas:
    1. 一般行政管理
    2. 学术事务
    3. 学生事务
    4. 商务
    5. 人事管理
  2. All policies will be sequentially numbered using a six digit number comprised of two alpha characters and four numeric characters.
    1. 具体结构如下:
      字符 类型 描述
      1-2 α 上面每个主要区域中每个单词的首字母
      3-4 数字 Two numbers starting with 01 signifying minor components within each major component or related policies
      5-6 数字 Two numbers starting with 01 signifying minor components within each major component or related policies
    2. All changes in existing and future institutional policies will be developed in accordance with the exact headings, 利润率, 以及这个政策的格式.
    3. President's Cabinet members are responsible for ensuring that appropriate institutional policies are developed and/or revised for areas under their supervision. Offices responsible for updating are assigned during the initial approval process.
  3. 审批流程
    1. 审批流程如下:
      1. Proposed institutional policies or non-editorial policy revisions must be recommended by the President's Cabinet member responsible for the area proposing the policy.
      2. Proposed new policies and policy revisions will be presented to the President's Cabinet for initial review and determination of routing for comments. Policy changes that are editorial in nature will not be subject to the full approval process but will require approval by the President's Cabinet and president.
      3. 评论可以从教务委员会要求, 支援人员议会, 行政委员会, 及学生会协会. 收到意见后, they should be presented to President's Cabinet for review prior to final approval of the policy. If no comments are received within thirty days from the date of the initial request for comments, the policy may be presented to President's Cabinet for final approval. 机构效率办公室, 规划及研究 (OIEPR) will coordinate receipt of comments by representatives of these campus groups.
      4. The President's Cabinet member assigned responsibility for maintenance of the policy must complete a Policy Transmittal form.
      5. The president must formally approve the Policy Transmittal form for each policy and/or policy revision.
    2. 正式批准后, 新政策或修订政策的硬拷贝, along with the completed Policy Transmittal form signed by the president, 将转交给机构效率办公室, 由负责政策的办公室进行规划和研究. 除了, a copy of new or revised policies should be forwarded electronically to the OIEPR for addition to the on-line policy manual.
    3. 在收到新的或修订的机构政策的批准后, the OIEPR will provide campus-wide notification via electronic mail indicating the name of the new or revised policy, 批准日期, 以及RSCC网站上最新政策的可用性.
    4. The OIER will maintain the official copy of all institutional policies, including archival copies. Offices that wish to maintain hard copies of the institutional policy manual should use the RSCC on-line policy manual as their reference resource for making copies.
    5. 机构效率办公室, 规划及研究 will be responsible for initiating reviews of all policies.
    6. 经批准新的或修订的TBR或学院政策, any conflicting provisions/langu年龄 of existing college policies will become null and void. 除了 to responsibility for modifications to policies arising from TBR actions, designated offices shall also be responsible for modifying RSCC policies when college practices change.
  4. 政策审查的制度程序如下:
    1. 每年七月, 审计和政策审查办公室将对编辑修改政策进行审查, 比如工作头衔的改变, 委员会的标题, 等.,并将这些变化提交总统内阁批准.
    2. The OIEPR will review system policy approvals made following each quarterly TBR meeting to determine if modifications to existing RSCC policies should be made or new institutional policies developed. The OIEPR will notify the responsible President’s Cabinet member and request that a policy modification or new policy be brought before the President’s Cabinet.
    3. A full review of RSCC policies will be conducted on a three-year rotating basis, OIEPR制定了一个为期三年的审查矩阵, 每年在所有主要领域制定三分之一的大学政策. The designated President’s Cabinet member will be responsible for conducting the review and bringing any modifications to the President's Cabinet for review and approval.
    4. The dates a policy is revised should be indicated at the bottom of the last p年龄 of each policy.
  5. 贝博体育 is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award the associate degree. 作为SACSCOC的成员机构, Roane State is required to comply with all policies of the commission. 负责机构效率的副总裁, 规划及研究, 作为评审委员会的联络人, shall be responsible for continually auditing Roane State policies and practices to ensure that the college is in compliance with SACSCOC policies, including the establishment of any institutional policies required by the commission. Any finding of non-compliance will be brought before the President’s Cabinet for appropriate resolution.
Revision History: 07/01/1990, 02/06/1995, 02/21/2000, 10/21/2002, 01/19/2009, 02/21/2014
修订生效日期: 02/21/2014
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 05/18/1987
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Research
综述: 05/10/2017



贝博体育 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


